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Rules and Regulations
Bylaws of the International Society of Radiation Neurology Enacted January 29,2011
Part I General Provisions
Article I
The name of the society shall be the International Society of Radiation Neurobiology (ISRN) (hereinafter, the Society).
(Location of Offices)
Article II
The offices of the Society shall be situated in a location to be determined by the Council Meeting.
Article III
The Society’s objectives shall be to facilitate the synergistic development of research and education in all areas of radiation neurobiology
Article IV
The Society shall conduct the following activities in order to achieve the objectives stipulated in the preceding Article
- The Society shall hold an Annual ISRN Meeting to provide an opportunity for its members to present and discuss their achievements, and shall also hold ad-hoc events such as presentation meetings, academic lectures, workshops, etc., as required.
- The Society shall publish journals, and other publications, and shall also be engaged in other public relations activities.
- The Society shall engage in all relevant studies and implement activities of benefit in order to achieve the objectives stipulated in the preceding Article.
Part II Membership
Article V
Membership of the Society shall consist of Regular Members, Student Members, Honorary Members, and Supporting Members.
Regular Members shall consist of individuals currently involved in the radiation neurobiology or related fields and who agree with the tenets of the Society. All Regular Members shall be recommended by one Regular Member who is qualified to make such a recommendation, and be registered with the Society. The requirements for Regular Members who are qualified to make such a recommendation shall be prescribed separately.
Student Members shall be enrolled in graduate school or university or college and engaged in studying radiation neurobiology or related fields. Said members shall be recommended by one Regular Member who is qualified to make such a recommendation, and be registered with the Society.
All members stipulated herein shall pay all applicable enrollment and membership fees as prescribed by the Society.
Members adjudged to have made an exceptional contribution to the field of radiation neurobiology or development of the Society may be elected as an Honorary Member of the Society following a vote taken by the Officers and Conucillors. Honorary Members shall be exempt from payment of all applicable membership fees.
Supporting Members shall consist of individuals or organizations interested in the activities of the Society. Supporting Members shall be recommended by one Regular Member who is qualified to make such a recommendation, and who is registered with the Society. Supporting Members shall pay all applicable fees.
Procedures for readmission following cancellation of membership shall be prescribed separately.
Article VI
Membership of the Society shall be lost when a member notifies the Society of his or her intention to cancel membership, or upon death of a member.
Part III Officers, Councilors and Committee Members
(President of the Society)
Article VII
The President of the Society shall serve as the representative of the Society and be responsible for all management and administration of the Society.
(Election of the President of the Society)
Article VIII
The President of the Society shall be elected from the regular members by a vote among the regular members. The President's term of office shall be three years, and the President may be elected for consecutive terms.
(Officers of the Society)
Article IX
The Treasures and Secretary shall be appointed by the President of the Society with recommendation by the Board of Directors.
(Election of Councilors)
Article X
Councilors shall be elected from eligible candidates based on voting by Regular Members. The number of councilors shall be prescribed separately. The term of office of each council member shall be three years, and each council member may be elected for consecutive terms.
(Meeting Chair)
Article XI
The Chair of the Society's Annual ISRN Meeting shall be responsible for planning and organization of the ISRN Meeting under instruction of the President of the Society.
(Appointment of the Meeting Chair)
Article XII
The President of the Society shall appoint the Chair of the Annual ISRN Meeting with the authority of the Council.
(International Scientific Advisory Board)
Article XIII
The International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB) shall assist ISRN Council and committees. The Chair of ISAB shall be responsible for editing and publishing the Society's official journal. The ISAB members and the Chair of ISAB shall be appointed by the President of the Society with recommendation by the Board of Directors.
(Establishment of Committees)
Article XIV
The following committees shall be established within the Council.
- Executive Committee
- Program Committee
- Official Journal Committee
Notwithstanding the committees stipulated herein, the Council can establish additional committees as deemed necessary to promote the activities of the Society as prescribed in Article IV.
Part IV Council and General Assembly
(Council Meeting)
Article XV
The Council shall be responsible for managing the Society in addition to developing all policies and plans related to the Society. The Council shall also be responsible for administrating all of the Society's activities. The Council shall consist of the three officers (President, Treasurer and Secretary), and the Councilors of the Society.
(General Assembly)
Article XVI
Important issues related to the Society's activities and accounting, and any issues raised by the Council, shall be reported to, and deliberated by, the Society's General Assembly. The President of the Society shall, in principle, convene the General Assembly once a year. An Extraordinary General Assembly can be convened, however, following the approval of the majority of the Council members. All resolutions of the General Assembly shall be made following their approval by the majority of attendees of the General Assembly. Any changes to regulations of the Society, however, shall only be made in accordance with Article XXIII.
Part V Accounting
Article XVII
Society revenue shall be based on income from admission fees, membership fees, donations, and any other relevant income.
(Accounting Management)
Article XVIII
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all Society-related accounting issues.
Part VI Revisions of Bylaws
Article XIX
The Bylaws of the Society shall only be revised following the approval of the General Assembly. Resolution of any revisions shall require approval by two-thirds of the members attending the General Assembly.
Supplementary Provisions
- Admission fee for the Society shall be 1,000 Japanese yen (JPY). Membership fees shall be 2,000 JPY per year for Regular Members, and 1,000 JPY for Student Members. Associate Members who participate in the Society’s Annual Meeting as the first speaker can be exempt from payment of the Society’s admission fee and membership fee for one year.
- The number of Councilors is less than ten.
- The Council shall establish the following permanent committees, as well as any additional committees as deemed necessary. The term of the committee members shall be three years, and committee members may be elected for consecutive terms.
(Permanent Committees)
- Executive Committee
The President of the Society shall chair the Executive Committee. The Committee shall consist of the three Officers and the Annual Meeting Director. The chairs of other committees shall be added to the members of the Executive Committee if deemed necessary.
The Executive Committee shall be responsible for developing plans for the Society's activities, and submit these plans to the Council. - Program Committee
The Annual Meeting Director for the current year shall chair the Program Committee. The Program Committee shall consist of the Annual Meeting Directors of the current, previous, and subsequent years. The chair of the Committee can appoint additional committee members as deemed necessary. The Program Committee shall be responsible for planning all meeting programs. - Official Journal Committee
The Official Journal Committee shall be responsible for editing and publishing the Society's official journal. The chair of ISAB shall be the chair of the Official Journal Committee. The appointment of the members and the activities of the committee shall be governed by the bylaws stipulated by the Official Journal Committee.